New: music production lessons

We’re super excited to bring you music production lessons in a new format: Studio Shorts.
Topic-focussed production lessons
Our newly released Studio Shorts series is a set of topic-focussed lessons that’ll boost your skills in 20 minutes or less. And each of them is taught by a globally-successful electronic music producer, so you can be sure you’re learning from the best.
So, if you don’t want to spend hours taking one of our multi-hour music production courses, a Studio Short lesson will be perfect for you.
Bitesized beats, basslines and buildups
Sometimes you just need a helping hand with one specific topic or technique. Whether that’s how to add interest to your beats with minimal modular-style percussion, how to add atmosphere to your track or even the basics of understanding how filters work.
If that’s you, then dive into a Studio Shorts lesson.
Start with a free lesson on modulation
To start, why not check out the free music production lesson on modulation taught by the legendary D.Ramirez. In that lesson he’ll teach you how modulation allows you to change a sound almost beyond recognition. If you’re new to synthesis, it’s is an essential part of mastering synths and creating the music you want to create.
After that, take your pick from the 15 Studio Shorts lessons that are available right now. Here’s just 9 of them to whet your appetite. Oh, and did we mention they start from just $4.99?
We’ll be adding more all the time as we build up the catalog. If there are specific topics that we haven’t covered yet, tell us in the comments below!