New series: Inside Tracks

Have you ever wondered why some tracks just hit the spot perfectly? Is it the beat? The sound design? The arrangement? The drop?
These are the sort of questions that our students are always asking, so we decided to build out a brand new music production series to provide you with the answers.
The result: our brand new Inside Tracks series.
Each course in our Inside Tracks series focuses in on one specific genre and dissects three top tracks in that genre.
We go deep into listening and uncovering what makes each track special, uncovering the common elements between them as well as what makes each unique. Having done the analysis we’ll then show you how to build a track from scratch in that genre using the insight you’ve learned during the analysis phase.
Inside Tracks: Tech House
The first course in the series is Inside Tracks: Tech House which dives into… you guessed it… Tech House! Master educator Jono Buchanan guides you through the analysis of three massive Tech House hits.
We love to get feedback on our courses, so we were very happy to get this comment on the course from FaderPro student Stewart:
“This is exactly the course I was looking for. I don’t use Logic and I am not a huge fan of Tech House. But Jono explains music production and mixing techniques in such a way that it really dosent matter the type of genre or the DAW you are using. He explains why he is using a certain plugin, why he is making the changes etc
The course is worth its weight in gold.”
Watch the free chapter below where he introduces the course, then check out the three tracks he’s chosen to analyse below:
Key elements of Tech House hits
Jono picks out the elements of these massive Tech House hits that are common and that make them special. In doing so, he’s able to distill their feeling into a few bullet points. And then comes the track creation lesson – how to take those bullet points of insight and turn them into a fully finished track that delivers the same feeling, the same vibe.
Importantly, it’s not about copying the tracks at all. In fact, Jono makes it clear that once you’ve done the listening analysis, it’s time to put the reference tracks to one side and work from the ground up.
So the rest of the course is where you get to watch Jono build the track from scratch. You’ll see Jono applying key music production techniques – synthesizing, mixing, harmonizing, arranging and layering his way through Logic Pro, turning an empty project into a fully fledged dance track fit for sending out to record labels.
He thoroughly covers all the major aspects of music production that our students are constantly asking about. How do you get inspired to start an idea? How do you fully develop an idea and how do you mix and master that idea to a fully polished idea that is done?! All done in a fresh new way.
So, if you want to get the inside track on major hits, check out our Inside Tracks series and take your own music production skills to the next level.