VIDEO: Harry Romero Studio Tour

Harry Romero Studio Tour

When FaderPro returned to the studio of regular instructor and house music master, Harry Romero, to make his latest “Finish My Record” course for Armada University, we shot an exclusive studio video tour.

In the video below, check out Harry’s incredible studio and watch him explain his gear, demo his synths and more. Plus, don’t miss your chance to enter the competition to win an exclusive release on Harry’s label! Just buy the latest course, learn his techniques and then finish Harry’s stems in your own styling! Harry will choose his favourite and you could be releasing a track on his amazing Bambossa Records label! A huge opportunity not to be missed!

Head over to the faderpro now to watch the first chapter for free and check out the full course, where you not only learn from the master of house that is Harry Romero, but you also get to download his stems and project files!

See the course
